What to do after your Website is launched

Choosing a Website Design Company What to look for when choosing a web design company When you start asking around, you’ll find that the offerings to build a website for your business are many and varied, from those that want to supply a quick “template” design to others that offer a fully customized website with […]
Choosing a Website Design Company

What to do after your Website is launched The website is up, so what now? The work’s not done after your website has launched. That however is where many businesses stop with their online or website strategy and it’s usually the reason that, despite that stunning design, the website is not performing. Having a website […]
Before you get a website for your business

Considerations before you get a website for your business What you should know before you get a website for your business Investing in a website for business a smart move and in some cases it’s essential. A website could open a vast array of online possibilities; you could be expanding to an online store, arranging […]
What does your SEO Company actually do?

What does your SEO Company actually do? Ask a few SEO companies what they actually do and you’ll probably get as many different answers. Lets look at the purpose of SEO first: The purpose of Search Engine Optimisation is to improve the page ranking in search engine listings of a website and so increase the […]
SEO for Exporters

SEO for Exporters SEO for businesses that export products can be complex. For example, should you have different websites for different countries or the same site with language choice? If cultural differences demand a multi-faceted approach to your marketing then so should your websites and SEO. Here are some tips: Decide on one website domain […]
“Completing the user journey” and other website considerations for 2024

Completing the user journey for your website In many businesses, January is a time for reflection and planning. With 2022 on our doorstep, that time is just around the corner. My bet is that a large part of that planning will involve how the business is marketed and a part of that is the business […]
Craft CMS or WordPress for web development

Craft CMS or WordPress for web development As web designers and web developers we’ve all likely been in a position where we are asked to take over an existing website. In most cases taking on the site includes taking on the core CMS as well. Standard systems like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla are usually easy […]
Why your Web Designer should also be responsible for SEO

Why your web design company should also do your SEO Websites are the foundation of any business. They serve as a digital storefront for products and services. Every time someone visits your website, they judge your company based on how professional it looks and how easy it is to navigate. A good website design should […]
How much should a website cost (Updated – 2024)

How much should a website cost (Updated – 2024) The typical answer would be “it depends”, but I want to be quite detailed in this article. It pays to be prepared when you shop around. Know that you’re not being charged too much. Also make sure that your expectations and objectives are in line with […]
The best way to build your own website

The best way to build your own website I’ve seen only a few cases where people have built their own websites with good results. What they all had in common was that the owner spent a significant amount of thought and time to get things just right and, unless they had prior experience in web […]